Our Family

Our Family
Patrick, KelliPaige, Sadie (18), Daniel (14), & Emilie (9),

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This and That

Back in September Patrick brought home a cooler full of guavas.

A friend shared his puree gadget and we processed a ton of guavas.
Okay, it wasn't a ton, but it felt never ending.

There are a LOT of seeds in that little piece of fruit.

Everybody helped out.

The final product.

I have also started baking more breads.
Here are my hamburger buns.

an interesting bug (moth?)
The kids took this picture

The Stricklen family hosted a Reformation Party at their house.
Here is Emilie modeling one of the many costumes she tried on that evening.

William must be convinced that Roy Rogers
is one of the Fathers of the Reformation :~)

Amanda holding little Nathaniel

Here is the costume Emilie settled on.
I guess she's Esmeralda the Gypsy.

The Stricklen Sisters
Abby, Callie & Mary

Sadie and I made a cheesecake with blueberry topping one evening when
Glen & Madeleine McLean joined us for dinner in early November.
Unfortunately, these are the only pictures we took. Sorry Glen & Madeleine.

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