Our Family

Our Family
Patrick, KelliPaige, Sadie (18), Daniel (14), & Emilie (9),

Friday, February 13, 2009

A Few Pictures from the Ice Storm

This is our neighbor up the road
See the ice on the power lines, ice, not snow. Some friends of ours just got their power restored yesterday (Thurs. the 12th). We have been truly blessed. Our power was only out for about two days, I can't imagine two weeks!

This is our backyard.

This is the tree at the corner of our driveway.

The ice is about an inch thick on top of the branch

Many branches broke under the weight of the ice

The wall is actually covered in a sheet of ice and that is the water that froze as it flowed out the waterspout

Spring is near even with all this ice

Looking out my kitchen window
It is taking forever to post each set of pictures, so I'll stop for now and post more later.
Keep checking back!


The Miller Family said...

Hey, those scenes look familiar! It's amazing to see the trees so bent over under the weight of the ice!

The ice covering everything was beautiful in its own way, but I'm more than glad to be rid of it!


Kitty said...

Oh wow. I'm sure that was an adventure for you Florida folks! :o) We'll be up to share them in just a little while! (We'll probably be in for a huge shock... :-P)
