What could this be?

It looks like a target pattern.

It couldn't be a cat. Could it? So far, Patrick hasn't shot it, but he has tried to name it Target.
As long as it stays outside, she has permission to stay. She has been officially named Febe /fee bee/.
You had me stumped!
Yes, let her stay! The name fits her well, just don't let Patrick shoot her!!
Yes, we think Febe is definitely a better name. We were concerned that "Target" might bring uh...negative ideas to boys who are uh... not cat inclined like...uh...my son.
That IS a neat marking though!
See you soon!
I like your cat.
"Now, my dears," said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, "you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put into a pie by Mr. McGregor. "Now run along, and don't get into miscief. I am going out."
Patrick is still no fan of cats, but this particular feline appears to have found a soft spot in his heart for her. She's still around and receives much love and attention from "all" members of the family.
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