Our Family

Our Family
Patrick, KelliPaige, Sadie (18), Daniel (14), & Emilie (9),

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fencing (Part 1)

Hey Y'all! I regret to say, as y'all already may have noticed, that this blog has been idle for 2 months now. I will rectify that fact right now.
Lately, (this has become quite the project) we have been putting up a fence in our back yard....

The beginnings of the fence. The three taller posts back there are going to be the back of the chicken house/shed.

String: essential for making a straight fence line.

"Oh, mighty power tool, ye are powerful, and a bit tool-like.. :P" For those of you who have seen Veggie Tales, you will not think that quote too strange. ;) I hope =)

Strong little helper :)

 Wonderful Daddy <3

Sweet tea, another essential tool for building a fence... ;)

"Many hands make the work go faster," as Daddy says. ;)

 Time to start stretching the fence!

Daniel expertly fastens the fence to the metal posts.

This whole time our precious Feebie cat has been sleeping while we have been working, or rather, while Daddy, Daniel and Emilie have been working, and I have been taking pictures of everything and running errands here and there ;)
I felt like such a bum that day, so I made up for it the next day by really working, but then I didn't get any pictures. :( Ah, well. :)

Wake up Feeber Puss, and check out what we've been up to!

All in a days work, my dear Watson. All in a days work. :)

Hopefully it will be soon when I post Part 2.
Until then,